

Current (Fall 2023)


  • Spring 2023: Computational Optimization (CMSE), Michigan State University
  • Spring 2022: Linear Algebra(Math 115A), UCLA
  • Spring 2022: Applied Numerical Methods (Math 151B), UCLA
  • Winter 2022: Applied Numerical Methods (Math 151B), UCLA
  • Winter 2022: Mathematical Modeling (Math 142), UCLA
  • Fall 2021: Mathematical Modeling (Math 142), UCLA
  • Spring 2021: Mathematical Modeling (Math 142), UCLA
  • Spring 2021: Applied Numerical Methods (Math 151B), UCLA
  • Winter 2021: Applied Numerical Methods (Math 151B), UCLA
  • Fall 2020: Mathematical Modeling (Math 142), UCLA
  • Spring 2020: Introduction to Discrete Structures (Math 61, 141 Students), UCLA
  • Winter 2020: Linear Algebra and its Applications (Math 33A, 76 Students), UCLA
  • Fall 2019: Linear Algebra (Math 115A), UCLA
  • Fall 2019: Linear Algebra and its Applications (Math 33A, 160 Students), UCLA